4 Traits That Set Great Project Managers Apart

Project managers play a critical role in their organization by setting budgets and deadlines, keeping teams focused and motivated, and ensuring projects are executed successfully. However, there are certain things that give the best managers an edge. These four traits can set great project managers apart from mediocre ones. Accountability… Read more

How to Improve Your Virtual Onboarding for New Employees

Companies regularly lose a third of new employees after a year. Remote employees are even more likely to quit early on, which has become a major concern in the project management field in light of COVID-19. Having a strategic onboarding process for virtual employees will lead to higher engagement and… Read more

Help Your Team Set and Meet Goals

Help Your Team Set and Meet Goals

As a project manager, one of the most important things you can do for you team is help them set goals and provide them with the support they need to meet them. By helping your employees improve and adopt healthier work habits, you can ensure your team improves its performance… Read more

How to Lead a Hybrid Team of Remote and In-Office Employees

How to Lead a Hybrid Team of Remote and In-Office Employees

Over the course of the past few months, businesses have gradually opened back up. While some businesses will have all their employees return to working on-site, many will have a mix of remote and in-office employees. These tips will help you lead a hybrid team and ensure both remote and… Read more

3 Tips to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance When Working Remotely

3 Tips to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance When Working Remotely

When you work from home, it becomes harder to separate your professional life from your personal life. A recent study by Blind indicates that around 70% of remote tech workers at major firms like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft struggle with their work-life balance. Despite the flexibility working from home allows… Read more

3 of the Biggest Project Management Trends

3 of the Biggest Project Management Trends

Between advances in technology and complexities resulting from economic and global health concerns, project management is expected to undergo a transformation next year. As 2020 comes to an end, it’s time to start thinking about the future of project management. Let’s take a closer look at three of the biggest… Read more

The IT Project Management Paradox

Tips to Lead an Interview That Will Land the Best Talent

When hiring for project management roles, you need to find and attract the best talent, but you only have so much time to assess candidates. Make the most of the questions you asks. At the same time, candidates are also interviewing you to see if your company is a good… Read more

How Servant Leadership Can Improve Your Team

How Servant Leadership Can Improve Your Team

In business analysis and project management, servant leadership can have a positive effect on the way a team works together to contribute to the success of a company. By focusing on serving the team, servant leadership empowers employees to realize their potential, learn new skills, and work together with their… Read more

Common Hiring Mistakes Companies Make

Common Hiring Mistakes Companies Make

When hiring for project managers and business analysts, you can’t afford to make careless mistakes. The quality of the talent you recruit has a tremendous impact on the long-term success of your organization. Here are some of the most common hiring mistakes companies make and how to avoid them. Vague… Read more

Improve Your Communication Skills to be a Better Project Manager

Improve Your Communication Skills to be a Better Project Manager

One of the best ways to become a better project manager is to improve your communication skills. Excellent communication is an essential requirement for leading a team and helps ensure projects succeed. When it comes to project management, expanding your communication skills will put you on the path to success.… Read more